Today is my birthday so I thought I would recap the year's highlights..
1) Went to Australia
2) Sold my first house, bought a second.
3) Decided to go to law school, applied, and now admitted
4) My dad has a heartattack.
5) Started training for a marathon.
Doesn't look like much, but the decision to go to law school is about to completely change my life. On deck for this year.
1) Complete my first year of law school
2) Work on the remodel, fix the foundation, redo the bathroom/kitchen in our grand new home.
3) Quit my HR career
Again, doesn't seem like much, no big trips or super huge goals aside from chipping away at our remodel. I'm sure that school will consume most of my time.
Monday, May 29, 2006
One year older...
Posted by
10:16 AM
Thursday, May 25, 2006
The Danger of ambivalence
In a recent column in the SeattleTime's, Danny Westneat describes the homecoming for a soldier returning from Iraq. In short, there was none. He arrived without fanfare, without protest, to nothing.
The war, which now has lasted longer than the Korean conflict and soon (this fall) will have a duration longer than our military involvement in WWII, has drifted to the status of: "out of sight, out of mind." We've put ourselves into this mindset because we don’t have another choice. Most Americans believe the war is a mistake, so they can't bring themselves to celebrate everything military. But at the same time, they understand that we can't leave without sacrificing hundreds of innocent Iraqis and allowing terrorists to grow more powerful, so they aren't going to protest either.
While I don't fault the general populous for turning away from the war and the giant problem it presents, I do fault the President and the Congress for failing to debate or come up with a plan. This "stay the course until something better happens" doesn't even fit the definition of a plan.
Perhaps, however, I'm too critical. There have been some positive devlopments and it appears that the new gov't of Iraq is at least attempting to take some control. However, as someone who remembers what it was like to have his brother serve overseas in the first gulf war and see his mother pine for his return (and why do we say the first gulf war, are we expecting there to be several more?), to tell our troops that in 18 months Iraq might be capable of supporting itself and we'll just have to wait and see, doesn't seem like a very good answer to our troops.
Posted by
2:03 PM
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
This is Totally Cool's always nice to see two worlds I love come together. Techno gadgets and running. The article says that it will compatible for the Nano but I'm hoping it will work on the video as well.
Posted by
4:48 PM
Apathy + Lack of Discipline = Wasting My Time
I have always prided myself as being disciplined. I'm not talking about the kind of discipline that allows you to forgo eating for thirty days and then light yourself on fire, but the "better than average" discipline that allows you to force yourself to exercise, work late, and still be happy. Whatever success I have achieved, be it in school or my professional life, has not been due to any intelligence advantage but instead to my ability to determine what I want, what needs to be done to achieve it, and stay focused until I get it.
That said, lately I have been a pile of unproductive mush. I guess it is related to the fact that I'm going to law school and have thus written off my career. I no longer have any desire to please my managers or show off how nifty my work or mind is. Normally, I could compensate for my lack on interest in my job by just staying disciplined and on-task and still turn out an great work product. But I'm not even doing that now, I generally turn out one or two things per week and what I do produce is getting pretty sloppy both intellectually and in content.
No one seem to notice though, my manager still praises me and I'm being recruited by other departments, and this is making my guilt slacker status grow.
Not sure what the point of this post was, other than to vent. Thanks for reading.
Posted by
4:22 PM
Monday, May 22, 2006
Under Contruction
Hi, I'm playing with some formatting stuff...please forgive the dust.
Posted by
10:16 AM
Friday, May 19, 2006
Does anyone else find it odd that the spellcheck on blogger does not recognize the words "blog", "blogging", or "blogger" as actual words and always give you other suggestions?
Posted by
9:46 AM
Why is it difficult for me to find the time, but time never has a problem finding me?
I've been busy lately with work and preparing for school...At least that's my excuses for not posting. I have lots of idea for posts while I'm at work, the gym, or sitting in my car but I never have the energy to sit down and regurgitate out the text for the blog. Often, I forget what my idea were so when I do get a chance to sit down and blog I spent most of the available time trying to force myself to remember what I had thought was so clever days before.
These were a few of the things I was planning on blogging about but, alas, the moment has passed.
1) Last week attendance of the Seattle U Graduation and the FP speech about reflection and quiet time, it resonated with me and I should try to write down my thought.
2) The spring visit day and my trepidation with law school.
3) I finally saw the Stephen Colbert piece and laughed my ass off.
Posted by
9:39 AM
Monday, May 08, 2006
We are at War People!
We shouldn't be surprised by this action, putting a current Military officer in charge of our intelligence community is in line with his previous actions of urspuring war powers that have never been used in the modern age and generally treating the press and congress like a kitty box. Clearly, this administration believes that the United States is in the war of it's life and needs to take drastic (albeit Draconian) measures that are seemingly in contradiction to the democratic core of our nation.
But why hasn't this urgency, this knowelege of how dire the war issues is, translated to the American people to justify his actions (Bush has tried scaring us enough, why hasn't it stuck). We continue to live our lives much the same, we continue to consume crap from Walmart, the economy continues to burn hot on expensive fuel, and we sleep peacefully in our beds hopped up on Ambien and Percoset. This war is not costing Middle America anything. It is consuming our military son and daughters, but that toll is carried mostly by the poor, not the middle classes. The pain of the military and the poor has yet to pierces the heart of Middle America.
Then again, althought the President says we are at war, and we see the images of the battles and our casualties strewn about on the sandy soil of Iraq, the war is still difficult to comprehend. Yes, we were attacked by a terroist group. But for a nation that understands that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line this war seems difficult to fathom. Instead of going from point A (a safe America) to point B (a safe America w/ defeated terroism), Bush has taken us to point J and promises that it will work in getting us to point B, albeit through Iraq and stirring up the whole mideast in the process.
I don't see his vision, I don't agree with these war powers, the degredation of the consitution's power of the executive branch, or the burden that poor have been asked to give with the blood of their youth, but I do hope he can and that it truly the best course for us all.
Posted by
7:20 PM
Pseudo Celeb
While picking up my manager from Boston's Logan International airport I had a minor celeb sighting. I was waiting in one of those generic airport chairs by the baggage claim watching videos on my IPOD when down the escalator came, Ann Coulter
She was in a long white coat and jeans, behind her was a man who was a few inches shorter than she and wearing a beard. I assume he was her handler or something like a mgr or assistant, not sure what type of job he had. I didn't watch them much as I wasn't certain that it was her until she stopped a few feet in front of my before heading back up the escalator (which had stopped for some reason). Later, a throng of people from a flight from DC came down to baggage claim, so I assuem she had been on the flight from DC and had been let off early.
That's pretty much it. Not very exciting...not like I saw the president or something, but still, it beats a blog entry about my cubicle! (Disclaimer: I may be way off base here, perhaps it was just some blonde in the airport. It's not like she was ranting about democrats or something!)
Posted by
12:19 PM
Friday, May 05, 2006
I had to go to Andover, MA for a work meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday. Given that I had never been to Boston before, I decided to leave a day early and spend Monday looking around one of our nation's oldest cities.
It was a pretty good day for sightseeing. The sky was clear and the sun was out. A strong breeze was blowing off the ocean, which made for cooler day. I woke up early, around six or so, and drove the rental car from Andover to Boston. I found a parking lot in the theater district a block from Boston Commons and started my tour from there.
I made my way to a Starbucks on campus of Emerson College (where Jay Leno went) for breakfast (as long as Starbucks in around I'm never far from home) and then onto the Boston Common, a city park that was orginally set aside for cattle grazing in the 1600's (it used to be part of the shoreline!). It was here where the British troops camped the night of April 18, in the morning they set sail across the river and onto Lexington where the shot that was heard around the world occurred.
After looking through the commons and the public garden I started out on the freedom trail, a red line of paint and sometimes bricks, that moves through downtown to key locations in our nation's history. The most profound stops on the tour are the cemeteries where many of the men and women that were instrumental in our nation's foundation are buried. It was a powerful feeling to be standing over the graves of men of honor and valor, who risked their lives to establish our government and ensure our say in how our lives would be governed...It made me feel sad for our current leadership and the caliber of men who lead us now.
I left the freedom trail and went back toward the commons and the area around the Prudential tower and into the BackBay neighborhood (formerly a marsh/bay but filled in with tons and tons of gravel to make most of the city (the first and largest public works project in the United states whose tradition continues in the big dig).
I made my way to Massachusetts Ave and crossed over the Harvard bridge counting the smoots along the way towards the campus of MIT. I was surprised by MIT, I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't what I found. All the kids looked smart, I could not imagine their SAT scores, but the campus was only on par with our local Jr Colleges (albeit a super nice jr college with kids that are way smarter than yours...)
After MIT, I made my way up the Charles river to the Harvard Campus. Although I am somewhat successful, I have been a decent corporate drone who has managed to come up through the pay ranks and will soon be a lawyer, but within the hallowed walls of our nations oldest and most prestigious school I felt unworthy. Yet, the kids looked just as I had looked, fairly normal I suppose. What took my breath away was that there were so many kids who actually had thought they could go to Harvard, had applied, and were now studying there. I'm not faulting my parents, but they were not college educated and did little to promote higher education or encourage us to stretch ourselves beyond what the teachers asked for, therefore I had not inkling that I could have ever gone to place such as this. I guess there's always enough time to pressure my kids and live vicariously through them, sure they'll live in their own personal hell but one day they'll thank me!!!
Posted by
3:18 PM
Thursday, May 04, 2006
On Hiatus
Whew-haven't posted for a long time due to a cold that still is lingering and a recent trip to Boston. I'm working on a post re: Boston that will involve pictures and recent updates on the house....
Posted by
1:43 PM